One-on-One Career Coaching

Career changers often get stuck.  The reasons are varied but they center around issues of conflicting values, fears of living up to expectations and coming to terms with the inevitable sacrifices and sense of loss that career changes bring.  Even though career changes can lead to significant new levels of fulfillment, rarely, can we have it all.  So we must be able to wrestle with these issues.

Individual coaching provides a helping hand, enabling you to identity the most difficult questions you are trying to answer about yourself and your work and then take meaningful steps towards change.

One-on-one coaching can be fully customized to fit your situation and priorities, but typically involves:

  • An initial Career Change Assessment - an initial interview reviewing all aspects of personal/professional life that touch on your career change
  • Weekly 1-hour sessions, either for the duration of the change or for key phases of that change
  • Homework assignments to spur further growth and change in between sessions
  • Occasional feedback on career search related items such as resumes, cover letters, or LinkedIn profiles

INTERESTED?   To learn more about individualized coaching, you can set up a free 30-minute consultation.  Just fill out this form and we will contact you about setting up a time to discuss: